Oud Bleu Intense – Fragrance Du Bois


An exquisite marine-inspired fragrance full of intriguing contradiction. At first, fresh and intensely invigorating with its uplifting hit of mandarin, yet comforting with a reassuring ensemble of complex woody, spicy notes. Take leave and journey to the ocean’s tranquillity in a classical French perfume of note. Oud Bleu is an elegant projection of juxtapositions, a cool breeze that caresses the skin before enveloping its subject in a blanket of velvety warmth.

Artikelnummer: n. v. Kategorie: Schlagwörter: ,



Mandarinorange, Kardamom, Muskat


Ambra, Myrrhe, Weihrauch Olibanum, Ladanharz


Myrrhe, Agarholz, Styrax, Benzoeharz, Opopanax

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Fragrance Du Bois

50 ml